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by selling your LP tokens to the ICON Network now

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ICON Network Owned Liquidity

$ -

ICON Network acquires assets that are
used as working capital in Balanced DEX operations. View Pools ↗

What is NOL?

ICON Network purchases crypto assets for Balanced liquidity pools ensuring a smooth cross-chain trading experience with minimal slippage.

Why buy it at a 1% premium?

All ICX holders own the ICON Network and benefit from Network Owned Liquidity. By purchasing LP tokens at a 1% premium, the ICON Network is rewarding those who help it acquire liquidity.

Why paying in ICX?

ICX is the native token of the ICON Network. It is highly liquid and available on most exchanges, so even big traders can easily move value where they want.

What's Balanced

Balanced is a cross-chain DEX and stablecoin issuer, powered by ICON's GMP (General Message Passing) tech. Balanced is enshrined into the ICON Network, resulting in deep liquidity for cross-chain trading pairs.

What is the contract address?

The ICON Network-owned Liquidity contract address is cx4cdfb47cc8a4e39a72220bcd74dc752a30af8b74